
How To Become a Full Stack Web Developer | Full roadmap of website development

Become a Full Stack Web Developer

Almost 1.6 billion websites on the internet, every minute changed this ratio.The most common purpose of a website is to make money. People developed websites for:

  •  Business
  •  Selling Product
  •  Selling Services
  •  For Branding
  •  information(like bloging, study couses, tutorials etc).

Now a days technology grow day by day.Every one want to shift thier Business online.Thats why web developers are highly in demand.After learning Web development You can sell their services online or join any company or develop thier own website and make a high salary.

Basically thier are three types of web develop:

1) Front End Developer

2) Back End Developer

3) Full Stack 

We will cover every technology in these three steps.and After this i also create another post on each topic:

Front End Developer:

A front end developer is responsible for developing interfaces.In simple words first look of a website which You see like images text background images colors all of these developed a Front End Developer.

Now we talk about technology's which is used for front end.after learning this post click every technoloy, there i post detailed about every technology like what you should learn and where you can learn easily free of cost and in no time.i also suggest some project's,After completing a language you should develop some project because if you just clear the basic's and moved forward then forget previous concepts .thats after comleting every language you should complete atleast two projects.

These of the language used for front end development:

  1. Fundamentals (HTML, CSS, Javascript)
  2. CSS Frameworks (Bootstrap, Tailwind, Materialize, Semantic UI)
  3. CSS Preprocessors (Sass, less, Stylus)
  4. Javascript Framework ( React, Angular, vue)
  5. Package Manager (npm, yarn)
  6. Version Control system
  7. Testing
  8. Deployment 

After Learning All of these languages you became a front end i only introduced

a short notes.Separately i create a complete post on front end development and there we discussed each and every step .and fully explaned complete roadmap. 

Click here for full roadmap of front end development

Back End Development:

Back end developer are responsible for perform action's between database and application.They perform server side tasks like build codes for API(REST, SOAP), Dara Storage, Security and other server side functions that's user can't see...

for becoming a back end developer you should master these technologies:

1) master in a programming language like (PHP, Javascript, phyton).but if you are a front end developer and want to became a full stack developer than you should go with javascript .its become very easy for just need to learn a javascript framework its name is nodejs.its to learn because you already known JS.

if you are not a front end developer than you can choice PHP .and than learn its framework laravel.most old websites using this framework.

if you want perform some Ai tasks than you can go with phyton.and used its framework django.

2) Second  important thing for becoming a back end developer is learning database.database is a back bone of a website if used correctly.Database store user information like(email addresses, password, user information).and further command the server for performing action's accordingly user information ,whcih comes from database.there are tow types of databased:

i: relational database

ii: non-relational database

some of database examples (MySQL, Mongobd, ORACLE, PostgreSQL).

If you are learning javascript then you can choice Mongo database.mongo db mostly used in software industry as a document database.With PHP developer used MySQL.

Click here for full roadmap of Back End Developer

Full Stack Developer:

If you are learning both front end and back end, Congratulation's you are a Full Stack developer.who perform All tasks for a full website.