
How To Learn Angular | Complete Path Of Learning Angular


Complete Path Of Learning Angular

Today in this article we cover four mager topics related to Angular:

  • Angular baisc introduction
  • All Angular Topic in a sequence
  • Free resources for learning Angular 
  • Angular Projects for Practice


Angular is a Javascript Front End  Framework,Angular used HTML and Typescript to develop Single Page Application. Angular is written in Typescript.its Very reliable Framework.its easy to learn.If anyone give 2 to 3 hours daily He Can master it in 1.5 months.Angular maintained Through Google.

Why Use Angular ?

Angular Used to develop Dynamic Web Applications, Angular Help's to develop Single Page Application,You views Websites like youtube Facebook these websites don't reload when you perform some action's like when you click any navbar link its open it in same style, even don't reload the page .Single page Application's makes website's lightweight.Angular Used MVC Pattern, reducing coding effort.Major websites used angular like Netflix, Paypal,, Gmail and The Guardian.

Angular does not reload pages, We can do this with Vanilla Javascript ,but vanilla Javascript makes its nightmate for developer.Its a Component's based Framework,with components we can divide modern websites into different parts and manage it easily.Components are reuseable, We can used same components in same or different websites many times.

Angular Provide Routiong Module which hepls to load different link's without reload page.

Which Angular version i choice?

Its a confusing topic, which angular version i choice.After releasing first version, developer just rewrite second version as like first ,there not major changes init, they only changed optimization of framework, its does not impact on developer's work.Almost they released regularly new versions just start with any version, and keep updating to new updates.

Is Learning Angular Profitable?

yes, there are high demand of Angular, Day by Day angular jobs increasing,even angular developer's get hight figure salary Packages.

All React Topic In a Sequence | Complete Roadmap:

Now i tell you all topics related to Angular which you should learn.By following these steps you can easily learn Angular.You Will become Only a good developer if Your main focus on practice.
These topics are:


  • Angular CLI
  • NgModules
  • Components
    • Classes
    • Templates
    • MetaData
  • Template Syntax
    • Interpolation
    • Property Binding
    • Event Binding
    • Two way Binding
    • Pipes
    • Template Reference Variables
  • Directives
    • Component
    • Structure
      • ngif
      • ngSwitch
      • ngFor
  • Attribute
    • NgClass
    • NgStyle
  • Component Styling
    • Class Binding
    • Style Binding
  • Components Interation
    • Input
    • Output
  • LifeCycle Methods
  • Services
    • Dependancy injection
    • Providing Services
  • Observables
    • Creating Observables
    • Subscribing to Observables
    • Executing Observables
    • Disposing Observables
    • Operators
  • HttpClient
    • Httpclient
    • get,post,put and delete
    • Typed Response
    • Error Handlings
    • Interceptors
  • Forms
    • Template Driven Forms
      • Form Modules
      • NgForm
      • NgModel
      • NgModelGroup
      • Tracking State and Validity
      • Vallidation and Error Messages
      • NgSubmit
    • Reactive Forms
      • Reactive Form Modules
      • Form Control
      • Form Group
      • SetValue and PatchValue
      • Form Builder Services
      • Validator Function
      • Form Array
      • NgSubmit
  • Routing
    • Routing Module
    • Configuring Routes
    • Router Outlet
    • RouterLink
    • WildCard Routes
    • Redirecting Routes
    • Route Parameters
    • Nested Routes
    • Relative Paths
    • Lazy Loading Routes
    • Route Guards
  • Animation
  • EcoSystem
    • StateManagement 
      • NgRx
    • Ui Library
      • Angular Material
    • Testing
      • jasmine & Karma
      • Protactor
    • Miscellaneous
    • Angular Universal
  • Practice & Practice & Practice

Free Resources For learning Angular:

Here I provide two types resources first view video and go any website but prefair Official documentation view and edit thats topic code and try changing in this code.

Article form tutorial:
Video Tutorial:

Official Documentation


Programming with Mosh


Projects for Practice :

Anyone can became a developer if he practice more than learning theory.After learning these topic You should develop a small project.Because programming is 10% learning and 90% implementation.

  • Admin Panel Framework
  • Notepad Application
  • Song or Movie Application