
Top 5 IT (information technology) Professions In 2022

 Top 5 IT (information technology) Professions In 2022

Here we talk about top five information technology professions thats are highly in demand.Basically choosing right profession is defficult for everyone.and when we talk about IT field.there are many professions and skills.because in IT there are many fields.

Here we discussed and cover these questions:

But here we discussed only top skills thats required in market.Everyone can easily learn these skills.even you are a student or belong to non IT field.There is no need any professional degree or certificate.

Which IT field has highest Salary ?
Which field is best in IT sector?
Which IT field is on highest demand?
and Which IT field is best for Future?

1) Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Ans: AI widely used to personalize recommendation on based of defferent pattern's.Its helps in automation,decision making and enhance customer experience .  

How to become AI professional ?

Ans: Different skills required for becoming AI expert:

  • Phyton Programming
  • math
  • natural languages processing
  • deep learning

What are the types of Al?

Ans: There are four types of AI:

  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Week Al 
  • Strong AI

What kind of Companies used AI?

Ans: These top companies used AI (Google,Microsoft,Tesla,IBM and Facebook).

What kind of Jobs you get after learning Artificial Intelligence?

Ans: You can get these jobs after learning AI

  • Lead AI engineer
  • AI architect
  • ML Engineer

How much is the salary of AI engineer?

Ans: The average salary of AI engineer is $100,000 Annum.Basically AI engineer get high salary,but it can varies as your experience and expertize in the field.

2) Cloud Computing

what is cloud computing and why it is used?

Ans: Cloud Computing is basically a stroage, which is used to store and access data .Cloud Computing programs through internet.Most companies shift data to cloud computing for easily access stroage and data.

How to become Cloud Computing professional ?

Ans: Different skills required for becoming Cloud Computing:

  • Knowledge of cloud computing (AWS, azure and gcp)
  • Devops
  • Linux

What kind of Companies used Cloud Computing?

Ans: these companies used Cloud computing for managing storage and data expert, Computing,pinterest,instagram,target & Netflex.

What are the types of Cloud Computing?

Ans:  These are the five types of cloud computing:

  • public cloud
  • private cloud
  • hybrid cloud
  • Multi cloud
  • HPC cloud
  • Paas
  • SaaS
  • LaaS

What kind of Jobs you get after learning Cloud Computing?

Ans: You can get these jobs after learning Cloud Computing:

  • Cloud Administrator
  • Cloud Architect
  • Cloud Engineer
  • Cloud Consuttand

How much is the salary of Cloud Computing?

Ans: The average salary of Cloud Computing engineer is $109,262 Annum.

3) Programming

Now Programmer's are high in  demand.Because IT sector grow day by day,thats why companies required more developers and this field never let down.
for becoming a programmer you need master in any programming languages.there are many programming languages which used for different purposes, like javascript used for website's, java used for android app and swift used for developing ios app's.there many languages framework and libraries you should master anyone at first.

What kind of skills required for becoming a Programmer?

Ans: for bocoming a programmer you must learn and pracitce these skills:

  • Any programming language
  • After learning programming language choice your profession in IT like website development or app development.

What kind of Companies used Programming?

Ans: google,Apple,Facebook,Amazon,Indeed etc.

What kind of Jobs you get after learning Programming?

Ans: You can get these jobs after bocoming programmer:
Software Developer,Data Scientist,Full Stack Developer,Big Data Engineer.

How much is the salary of Cloud Computing?

Ans: The average salary of Cloud Computing engineer is $86,550 Annum.

4) Cyber Security

What is CyberSecurity in Simple Words?

Ans: Cybersecurity basically help in risk identification and risk managament, cybersecurity currently booming ,every organization need someone to find risk and manage the risk and protect there data from hacker's.

What kind of skills required for cybersecurity?

Ans: For entering in cybersecurity you must grip on these skills:
Ethical hacking
Oprating System like linux
DataBase System's

What kind of Companies used cybersecurity?

Ans:These companies used cybersecurity Cisco,Mc Afee,Microsoft and IBM.

How much is the salary of cybersecurity?

Ans: The average salary of cybersecurity engineer is $103,590 Annum.

What kind of Jobs you get after learning cybersecurity?

Ans: After learning cybersecurity you are eligible for these jobs:

  • CyberSecurity engineer
  • Ethical Hacker's
  • CyberSecurity specialist
  • Security Auditor

5) Web Development

Everyone setup his business on internet,for setup on internet they need any website developer.Web development is very vast field,Web developer are high in demand.Almost 1.7 billion websites on the internet this ratio change day by day.

What kind of skills required for becoming a web developer?

Ans:there skills required for becoming a web developer,
  • html 
  • css
  • js
  • frontend & backend framework's
  • responsive design

What kind of Companies used Website's?

Ans:These companies used website's: 
Twitter, indeed, google, Accenture any many more.

What kind of Jobs you get after learning Website's?

Ans: After learning you can get these jobs:
Front-end developer
Back-end developer
Full-Stack developer
Mobile app developer

How much is the salary of Website developer?

Ans: In website field salary varies on different facts for example for front end developer $105,550, for backend developer $130,500 and for full stack developer $145,100.